Is it true that, when  transplanted to balding areas of the scalp, that body hair can grow like “head hair”?

Body hair transplant (BHT) surgery does exist and may be a viable surgical option for a select group of patients however; it is often overhyped and there is a lack of compelling evidence that BHT is consistent in quality results for all hair loss patients.   I have heard and seen cases of patients shoveling out tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars with very little if any hair growth, while some repair patients have experienced a significant cosmetically pleasing result.

In my opinion, it is better to consider scalp hair restoration surgery via follicular unit transplantation (FUT) in the hands of a skilled physician which has been proven to be highly effective. Follicular unit extraction  (FUE) in my opinion has a long way to go to show that all hair loss patients are FUE candidates but some hair transplant clinics seem to be doing some quality work in this area as well.

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Bill successfully restored his hair with three hair transplantation procedures. He is now the Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant and the Hair Loss Learning

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