Our popular hair loss forum community includes dozens of active patient and physician members devoted to answering your hair loss questions daily. Get past the hype and learn about proven treatments that really work to stop baldness.
Below, we’ve compiled answers to hot topic questions we received from real patients and expert hair restoration physicians.
Feel free to ask your own questions and get answers on our hair restoration forum or privately by using the contact us form.
Graft Survival Rates and High Hair Densities (Dr. Brad Limmer)
Claims that Hair Multiplication is Available Today
Female Hair Loss Due to Hair Straightening and Blow Drying
Why Some Clinics Can Perform Hair Transplant Sessions Exceeding 5000 Grafts
Bill Seemiller
Managing Publisher
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Technorati Tags: hair loss forum, hair loss, baldness, hair restoration
I'm at thirty-one year old man with a Norwood 6 level of hair loss. I…
I'm a 31 year old male I have been losing hair for the past six…
I'm concerned that i'm going bald. My dad is 54 years old, and still has…
I'm a 30-year old male with a Norwood 4 hair loss pattern. I have been…
I'm twenty years old and already have aggressive hair loss. I'm imbetween a Norwood 5…
I'm interested in getting a hair transplant later this year, but I am a very…