This question was posed by a hair loss sufferer seeking hair loss help on our hair restoration forum and answered by Dr. Michael Beehner of Saratoga Springs, NY. Dr. Beehner is one of our recommended hair restoration physicians. His professional answer is below.
How long after hair transplant surgery can you wear a hairpiece over the recipient area? Also what system: tape or clips?
Of course, the best course of action, if the patient is brave enough to do it, is to get rid of the hairpiece for good after the first transplant, but only around 10-15% of hairpiece wearers follow this course.
The reason for the above is that a certain percentage of hairpiece wearers that are transplanted, probably 20 % of them at least, get somewhat poorer hair growth than the typical non-hairpiece wearing patient does. The reason or reasons for this are not known for sure. Several theories are thrown out. A “shuffling” effect of the hairpiece over the new hair stubs is probably the most likely one, in somehow hurting the follicle’s getting established in the scalp. Increased temperature or presence of bacteria have also been proposed but seem unlikely to me. The other visual problem in evaluating hair regrowth when a hairpiece wearer returns for a visit is that the hair is matted down from the hairpiece and appears less than it is on that score alone.
Mike Beehner, M.D.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: hair loss, hair loss help, Dr. Beehner, hair transplant, hairpiece, hair restoration, hair surgeons, bald, baldness, hair growth, hair regrowth
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