This hair loss article was written by Kira Taniguchi, representative for Coalition member Dr. Bernardino Arocha of Dallas and Houston, Texas.

Factors to Consider before a Hair Transplant 

Are you finally taking the plunge? Now is as good a time as any to begin your research on hair transplants. With all the information out there, it is easy to get sidetracked.  Below you will find the things to consider- or not- when beginning your hair transplant research.One of the most common questions we get asked is “how much does a hair transplant cost?” While cost might seem like an important factor, it should not be your primary consideration. The reason for this is because a hair transplant will stay with you the rest of your life. You cannot put a price on quality. I can’t think of many other purchases that last a lifetime.In fact, Dr. Arochabelieves the most important factor to consider when beginning your hair transplant research is the results. There is some truth in the adage, “results do not lie”. If a hair transplant surgeon cannot show you past patient results, consider it a red flag.Dr. Arocha says, “This is the patient for today but he will live with his result for the rest of his life. We therefore are only as good as our last outcome. By creating great outcomes we are improving the happiness of the world one patient at a time.”There are many places to find before and after results. One of the primary places to go is the clinic’s website. All of the clinics should have a “results” or “photos” section on their website. Browse through the albums for consistency. Questions to ask yourself are: “Does this doctor consistently produce phenomenal results?” “Would I be happy with the way my hair turned out if I trusted in this doctor’s hands?”

Another resource to turn to for patient results is the hair loss forums like the Hair Restoration Forum and Social Network. There are many others out there as well, with many doctors and their representatives posting results. Your membership in these online communities is free of charge.

Additionally, look at what patients are saying. Sites such as CitySearch and Google reviews are excellent places to see what patients have to say regarding their hair transplant experiences. If a patient cares enough to take the time to write a review, chances are they had a pleasant experience with their doctor. You can find Dr. Arocha’s reviews on both CitySearch and Google reviews.

Finally, keep in mind that if a hair transplant surgeon can continuously produce rock star results with raving reviews, chances are good that your result will also be fantastic.

View tips on finding a hair transplant surgeon for more information.

Dr. Bernardino Arocha is a member of the elite Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians and recommended by the Hair Transplant Network. For patient results, video interviews with Dr. Arocha and to contact Arocha Hair Restoration, click on his name above to view his Coalition profile.

~Kira Taniguchi

David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog. To share ideas with other hair loss sufferers visit the hair loss forum and social community

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