When can I work out after a hair transplant?
Just wondering how long you should wait for a hair transplant to heal properly before you start getting active again like working out and playing sports?
This topic comes up from time to time on the Hair Restoration Research Forums with varying opinions. It’s no real surprise that many guys that care about their hair also concentrate on other areas of their appearance as well.
The danger from working out too strenously too soon after a hair transplant surgery lies in causing trauma to the transplanted hair grafts in the recipient area of the scalp and also causing trauma to the donor area of the scalp.
For the first seven to ten days following a hair restoration procedure, the hair grafts are still settling into their “new home” in the scalp and can still possibly be pulled or knocked out of place. And even if the hairs remain transplanted into the scalp, trauma to that area can potentially realign the hair shaft from the direction the hair transplant surgeon’s intended direction, which can cause an unnatural growth pattern. It is for this reason that hair restoration physicians advise their patients to exercise very lightly, if at all, in the first week or two following a hair transplant procedure. This may include walking or very light jogging, but no exercise that will exert pressure on the recipient area of the head.
For the first two weeks or so after a hair restoration procedure, follicular unit transplant patients will have sutures or staples sealing the donor area. While this causes little discomfort, special care should be taken not to stretch the area. Stretching against the sutures can cause a thin, nearly imperceptible donor scar to become more prominant. It is for this reason that even after the sutures or staples are removed, hair transplant doctors advise against any activity that exerts pressure on the area for at least a few more weeks. This precaution is especially important when considering the artistry and refinement that goes into making a successful trichophytic donor area closure.
Naturally, hair transplant physicians do not expect hair transplant patients to refrain from physical activity forever, but a degree of caution is advised for at least two to three months following a hair restoration. For the first few weeks post-op, avoid exercises such as sit-ups, squats, dead-lifts, and military press in the gym. Avoid contact sports for at least this amount of time if at all possible, as well. And if you are ever in doubt about a particular exercise, err on the side of caution and contact your hair restoration physician for their advice.
Robert – Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog
Technorati Tags: hair transplant, hair transplant surgery, hair transplant surgeon, hair restoration physicians, hair transplant procedure, hair restoration procedure, follicular unit transplant, donor scar, hair transplant physicians, hair transplant patients, hair restoration