When Transplanted Hair is Safely Secured to the Scalp
Upon completion of hair transplant surgery, hair loss patients are filled with visions of what their new hair will look like after it has grown out. It’s exciting to see all the new hairs in the mirror, but by looking at their wounded scalp, there’s no doubt that it’s going to take time to heal and look normal again.
But how long does the healing period take? How much time must pass before the newly transplanted grafts are safely secured to the scalp without worry of losing them?
Though the above questions have been discussed and answered by veteran patients and leading hair restoration physicians for years, only recently were these concerns addressed scientifically. View the data from Coalition member Dr. Robert Bernstein’s experiment and discuss this important topic with other veteran hair loss forum members by clicking here.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: hair transplant, hair loss, transplanted grafts, Dr. Robert Bernstein, hair loss forum