Why Controlling Hair Direction Creates an Optimal Hair Transplant
Remember the days when you used to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and see your once stylishly groomed hair sticking up all over the place and every direction possible? Now imagine if your newly transplanted hair looked like that all the time.
Simply transplanting massive quantities of hair into balding areas isn’t enough to create a natural and cosmetically pleasing hair transplant result. A qualified hair transplant surgeon will carefully control the direction of your new hair by making tiny incisions at a precise angle that replicates the direction of your natural hair. This, in combination with a number of other state of the art techniques, promotes a natural and healthy looking head of hair.
To discuss how surgeons control the direction of your new hair and promote natural looking hair growth, view this discussion. You are encouraged to offer your experience, input, and acquired expertise.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: transplanted hair, balding, hair transplant, hair transplant surgeon, natural hair, hair growth