I am considering a hair transplant and want to know why some hair transplant doctors shave the top of the head before transplanting hair while other hair restoration physicians do not.   Is there an advantage to shaving?

Shaving the recipient area for a hair transplant is a “hot topic” on our hair restoration forum. This is because many hair transplant patients and doctors alike believe that it provides an optimal surgical environment especially in cases where hair is being transplanted in between a lot of native hair. I also stand by this opinion as well however, there are many who disagree.

Those who believe in it’s benefit in hair transplantation  will primarily argue that risk of the transection of natural hairs is minimized, temporary shock loss can be minimized (because trauma to the native hair is minimized because not having to constantly manipulate it and getting it out of the way), and determination of proper hair angulation is easier.

Most that disagree with this will point out that many hair transplant patients have received superior hair restoration without having their recipient area shaved by their hair restoration physician.

Though I have a tendency to believe that shaving of the recipient area can minimize unnecessary risk, there is no doubt that many hair restoration physicians who are members of our Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians  don’t require shaving have delivered state of the art hair transplant results.   Keep in mind however, that even those hair restoration clinics that don’t typically require shaving have recommended shaving in particular cases where hair is being transplanted near and around a lot of natural hair.

See also Dr. Victor Hasson’s  view on Shaving the Recipient Area for a Hair Transplant.

Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network and the Hair Loss Learning Center
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Bill successfully restored his hair with three hair transplantation procedures. He is now the Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network.com and the Hair Loss Learning Center.org

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