This insightful information was posted on our hair restoration forum by Dr. Brad Limmer of San Antonio, TX who is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

Over the years I have approached my hair loss patients in a conservative manner allowing for the various options with regards to treatment to be fully explored. This approach also allows them to hold off on unnecessary surgery or excessive graft numbers while they get a better understanding of what is and what is not possible in the field of hair restoration.

For many years I have read on the forums how some who post seem to think this is too conservative of an approach. Instead, many people think the only solution is greater graft numbers…”More Is Better”. So below I present the recent case of a very young man that I am sure some would have told the only answer to his problem was transplantation of some 3000-5000 follicular unit grafts grafts.

Well, that was not my approach. After evaluating all data, I felt he should not have a hair transplant but instead begin a full court press using only non-surgical hair loss treatments. Below are presented his before photos and current photos, 5 months into medical treatment.

So, while some hair transplant physicians and posters might feel hair transplants are the panacea for all balding, I hope this example shows many who are wondering what to do that there are options available to them and all means of treatment need to be explored. While I firmly believe in the values of transplantation, I also know it is not the only choice patients need to consider.

Brad Limmer, MD/jac


David – aka TakingThePlunge
Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum

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David aka - TakingthePlunge

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