Why Won’t My Hair Transplant Surgeon Use Nape Hair in My Hairline?
The following response to a question from the Hair Restoration Social Community and Discussion Forums, was written by forum member “Gillenator”.
Why do some hair transplant surgeons advise against the use of nape hair in surgical hair restoration to create a more natural hairline?
This is where family hair loss history can be of some benefit, because some guys lose their nape hair as they get older and some do not. I have seen some men in their retirement years have thick white nape hair and they usually have hairy backs and shoulders as well. So if the men in your family retain their nape hair in their older age, then chances are, you will too. However if they lose it later in life, the same is true, you probably will too.
Sometimes nape hair can change in characteristics over the years. For some, it can get more wavy as they age and may present some visual compatibility issues if used on the commencement of the hairline.
Supporting Hair Restoration Physicians: Dr. Glenn Charles, Boca Raton, FL – Dr. Jerry Cooley, Charlotte, NC – Dr. Jim Harris, Denver, CO – Dr. Robert True & Dr. Robert Dorin, New York, NY
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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