This question, from a member of our Hair Loss Social Community and Discussion Forum was answered by Coalition hair transplant surgeons Dr. Glenn Charles and Dr. Cam Simmons:

Several weeks ago I underwent hair transplant surgery and recently began shedding a lot of implanted follicular unit grafts. I know this is a normal part of the hair restoration process, but I’ve heard that using minoxidil (Rogaine) post-operatively helps reduce graft shedding. Is this true?

Many hair transplant physicians recommend the use of minoxidil post-operatively in an attempt to prevent shock loss of the existing and transplanted hairs.

I have tried it on several patients. In some cases it appears to clearly reduce the amount of shedding and shock loss while in others it appears to have very little effect. Certainly worth a try.

-Dr. Glenn Charles

I tell everyone to expect to shed the majority of the transplanted hair in the first 6 to 8 weeks and not to see new growth for at least 3-4 months. I also warn everyone about post-operative shedding of existing hair. Usually by 4 months the hair starts improving, it looks pretty good by 6-8 months and finished by 10-12 months.

I have had a few patients who did not use minoxidil but had very little shedding and early hair growth. I have had other patients who did use minoxidil and still got post-operative shedding and regular hair growth. However, on average, there is a tendency for patients who use minoxidil to get less post-operative shedding and to see earlier growth.

I particularly recommend minoxidil for patients who have miniaturized hair in the transplanted area, as miniaturized hair is most vulnerable to post-operative shedding.

-Dr. Cam Simmons
Blake – aka Future_HT_Doc

Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum

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